Write a story about a particular time in which
you tried to do a good deed, but were punished for it. If you cannot remember a particular instance when you were punished for a good deed, write about someone you know (or make up a character) who has been in that situation. In your story, answer the following questions:
What was it that you did or attempted to do?
Who punished you? What was the reason?
What was the final outcome?
What was the basic, underlying misunderstanding between you and the other person or people?
someone is talking in class, you ask them to be quiet
the teacher, he assumes you were the one talking
seating arrangement was changed
you were trying to listen, and therefore asked your friend to be quiet, but your teacher thought you were being disruptive
get a pizza for your dad for his birthday
your dad, who though you were stealing
punishment for stealing
you were trying to surprise your dad, but were caught in the act
prepare a surprise for mom's birthday
dad, because he thought you did something stupid
get stitches while your dad is mad at you
you were trying to get things perfect before mom woke up on her birthday
trying to give someone who was hungry a snack
a teacher, because the person had an allergic reaction to the food
got suspended for potentially endangering another student
tried to help someone who was hungry, but did not know about their allergy, and they didn't know the food had an ingredient they were allergic to
prepare pancakes for parents' anniversary breakfast
parents, because you left the gas stove on without lighting it
everyone had to stand outside in the rain while the gas dissipated, and you got a lecture
you were excited about surprising your parents with an anniversary breakfast, but did not know how to use the stove properly