climate change
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what is climate change
long term shifts temperature & weather patterns
naturally - shifts solar cycle
1800s human activities main driver
burning fossil fuels, energy, industry, transport, buildings, agriculture & land use-major emitter GHGs
heat trapping- raising temperature
gasoline driving car
coal - heating, burning, thermal power plants
1.1 degree C warmer 1800s, last decade warmest on record
earth system- everything connected
intense droughts, water scarcity, severe fires, melting polar ice , intense storms, & decline biodi.
people experience climate different ways
affects- health, abili grow food, housing, safety & work
some more vulnerable
people livi- small island nations, developing countries
sea level rise, salt water intrusion
whole community relocate
protracted droughts- famine risk- expected rise climate refugees
every increase in global warming matters
limiting temp. 1.5 deg. C - avoid worst clm impacts and main. livable clm
based current national clm plans
2.7 deg c cent. end
100 least emitting coun. - 3 % tot. emissions
10 count- 68% total emiss.
people & count crea. more prblm gre. respon. to act
3 broad categories action
cutting emissions
adapting clm
financing requ. adjustment
fossil fuels- solar or wind reduce emiss.
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net zero emissions-2050
half emissions cuts 2030- keep warm. below 1.5 deg C ,
fossil fuel prodn - 6%/yr(2020-2030)
protect people, homes, business, livelihood, infrastructure and natural ecosystem
early warning system - saves life property.
prioritized - vunerable people fewest resources - cope clm hazards
deliver benifit- 10times initial cost
Sea level rise and coastal degradation
decrease viability of low lying areas even before submerged
disagreements over maritime boundaries & ocean resources
migration displacement social disruption , displacement
Transboundary water management
decrease water availability
tensions -demand grows
decrease in availability, quality
increased pressure governmental structures
Local resource competition
pressure on natural resource
more competition-more instability
Livelihood insecurity and Migration
increase insecurity - depend on natural resource
push them to migrates(maybe illegal)
Extreme Weather Events and disasters
increased fragility and vulnerability
especially in conflict affected areas
Extreme Weather Events and disasters
unintended effects of climate policies
India's response to climate change
Bharat stage(BS) Emission Norms
vehicle emission top contributor of air pollution
National Action Plan on Climate Change(NAPCC)
outlines existing future policies & programs addressing climate mitigation and adaptation
8 core Missions
Sustainable Agriculture
Sustaining The Himalayan Ecosystem
Sustainable Habitation
Solar Energy
Enhanced Energy Efficiency
Green India
Strategic Knowledge For Climate Change
National Clean Energy Fund
corpus of fund
cess of INR 100 per ton of coal produced domestically or imported
financing clean energy initiative
funding research - clean energy