Affective variables, attitude and personality in language learning
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integrative motive
attitudes toward the learning situation
Extrinsic and intrinsic
In this picture in extrinsic motivation,
the boy is playing in order to get a prize.
In intrinsic motivation,
the boy is playing just for fun.
Self-confidence and anxiety
Language anxiety can impact on both:
the speed
and accuracy oflearning
There are many ways in which the social context can influence language anxiety
tension between ethnic group
risks of embarrassment
Learners do not communicate as often as more relaxed learner
difficult interactions with teachers
Coritextual effects in L2 acquisition
5 questions for discussions:
- What is motivation and how does it impact language learning
- Can you clarify the difference between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation?
- Does the personality of the learner play a role in language learning
- What can language anxiety impct?
- What is the effect of social context on instructed language learning?
The pedagogical context
The social context