Product Explainer (Feature List Video)
Desktop 💻
Mobile Phone 📱
Create a Ticket
Dashboard Analytics
Customer List
Media Notes
Schedule Task Alloted Notification
Payments by Customer
Drag and Drop a Task to any technician
Normal Drag and Drop Animation
Showcasing Unassigned Task
Zoom In and Out on that particular feature
Ticket Creation using 3 steps
Complete Form Filling Animation could be done but time would increase
Also Normal Ticket creation can shown one after another
Customer Info like Address, Phone, Previous History, etc
Drag Down
Invoices and Sevice Agreements previously made
Zoom In and show various features, also can move to next window of service agreements.
Revenue Generated vs Missed
Company Metrics Number Increasing
Insant Reports/ Graphs
Graph animation y axis scaling either in Bar Graphs/ Line Graph
Speedometer type animation showing more number of revenue generated in green and missed in grey
There are 3 cards were there are numbers which can be shown increasing
Google Maps / Apple Maps showing the location of work and the technician
Routing animation on Map of the Technician Moving (Zomato/Swiggy types)
Invoices features, bills and total automate system generated
Zoom In Animation of the top side of numbers of invoices
Bottom Side Signature animation can be shown
Media Notes Filling
Pop Ups on empty form of name and all, with photos of media notes, later one frame multiples images
Card Photo taking through phone
Phone UI capturing the image of card and then switching to to phone screen of card filling form and everything pop ups
All Orange paths are Animations
Service Agreements
Can do same like demo video by bryan
Service Agreement