Learn2Earn 1

Geology grades 9-12

Week 1, 2

10 coins earned

Intro to Geology; Geologic theories, geologic time, scientific inquiry, Earth’s systems, rock cycle, earth’s evolution

Lab: Scientific Methods, lab processes and procedures, Investigation using Inquiry, rock cycle

week 3, 4

15 coins earned

Minerals; definition of…, Atoms and Bonding, Identification properties, types of minerals, mineral resources

Lab: no.3 Mineral Properties, uses and Identification

week 5, 6

20 coins earned

Igneous Rock; magma, textures and composition, classification, evolution of magma, igneous processes, resources

Lab: no.4 rock forming properties, Rock cycle

Lab : no.5 Part A: Igneous Processes and Rocks

Lab no.5 Part B: Descriptions/Interpretation of Igneous rock samples

Week 7, 8

25 coins earned

Lab: no.5, Part C Volcanic Hazards and Human risks

Volcanoes and other Igneous activity; Volcanic eruptions, lava flows, pyroclastic materials, outgassing, types of volcanoes and volcanic landforms, intrusive igneous activity, plate tectonics and volcanic activity.

Week 9, 10

30 coins earned

Weathering and soils; mechanical and chemical weathering, rates of weathering, soils and classifying soils, soil erosion, soil erosion, ore deposits

Lab: Finding evidence of weathering and erosion on campus

Week 11, 12

35 coins earned

Sedimentary Rocks; Origins of…, Detrital and chemical sedimentary rocks, diagenesis and lithification, classification, sediments and historical environments, resources from sedimentary rocks, the carbon cycle

Lab: #6 Sedimentary Rocks, Processes and Environments

Week 13, 14

40 coins earned

Metamorphic rocks: mechanisms of metamorphism, textures and common metamorphic rocks, metamorphic environments, metamorphic zones

Lab: #7, Metamorphic rocks . Processes and resources