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Gender!, 1/2 of Ahmed, Argument: Biological sex used to create a social…
Monique Wittig
thesis: 'woman' is a category used by the patriarchy to oppress non-men, and the only way to fight this oppression is to fight the heterosexuality which produces that oppression
"A materialist feminist approach shows that what we take for the cause or origin of oppression is in fact only the mark imposed by the oppressor: the 'myth of woman,' plus its material effects and manifestations in the appropriated consciousness and bodies of women." (pg 104)
Slight critique; why is it not possible to keep the category of “women”, but just have no expectations/stereotypes/ideas attached to said category.
Ahmed 2nd half
"Danger can be located in the “not.” When sex is used tactically, turned into a
project, trans people are treated not only as not natural, as immaterial, but as being powerful and
Gender allows us to understand the norms through which we see the world, including other bodies with whom we share a world
“Association of compliance with preferred pronouns and danger suggests that safety depends upon clarity, that bodies need to line up, or be accurately sexed.”
Connects with Judith Butler because "gender critical" feminists believe in essentialism and Butler challenges this idea.
connects with Alma Lopez and "our lady Guidelupe" and the threat the bolder depictation was perceived as a threat by the church and the patriarchy...much like how trans people are viewed as a threat
Butler (first 1/2)
t, the various acts of gender creates the idea of gender, and without those acts, there would be no gender
gender as a construct which fills the desire for categorization; even if you don't fall within historic definitions of "man" or "woman," you are still always categorized
thesis/argument: gender is a construct, gender is a performance
discussion questions: 1. how do we think ideas of gender will change throughout time (in the next 50 years ish)? how will parenting practices affect this?
butler 2/2
what would gender look like without the hypothetical traits?
what societal norms perpetuate binary gendering and heterosexuality?
Joan Scott
critique: communism focuses too much on the collective without accounting for the individual and their concerns, no intersectionality
Susan Bordo
gender as construct
Eurocentric and elitist construct of maleness, and the different hierarchies within that construct
"there are still contexts in which it is meaningful, edifying, and useful to talk about the limitations of male perspective and commonalities of women's experiences"
1/2 of Ahmed
"It is not only that the terms “sex” and “gender” are being used to de-realise and de-legitimate trans people, but the project of trans inclusion can be framed as feminist exclusion,"
Jackson Katz
Emphasized toxic masculinity throughout the piece. Included words like "alpha male," "toughness," "strength," and "protector."
The numbers emphasized in the article were really interesting because the statistics showed that violent protesters were 93% white and 86% men. But those protesters were just referred to as "people," "folks," "individuals," and "extremists." Thinking about all of the prejudice and oppression people of color have been facing throughout history and even in present day, it's crazy that nothing about race was mentioned when talking about these people. Because if it had been people of color, the headline would've been all about that.
The article highlights the lack of use of the term "white masculinity" to describe the riot of January 6th. It raises an interesting point in highlighting the role patriarchy plays in the act. However, it does seem to teeter on white feminism as it can shift the focus from the racial motivations of the attack.
1/2 of Ahmed
A present day issue that can be seen in this article is the correlation between gender and the role it plays in military operation. Gender roles and descriptions inhibit and limit the roles some play with their contribution to the military.
Argument: Biological sex used to create a social line, when boundary is crossed/challenged deviation is labeled as dangerous