C4:The Impact of Digital Media and Technology on the Marketing Mix


Marketing Mix

The series of 7 key available- Jerome McCarthy

Product--Price--Place--Promotion--People--Process--Physical Evidents

Purpose: Provide a simple strategic framework for varying different elemnts of an organisation product offering to influence the demand for product

Core product- the main product purchase by the consumer to fulfill their needs

Extended product - additional services of the core product

implications for migrating a brand online

Options for changing the extended product

Conducting research online

Options for offering digital products

Speed of new product development

Options for varying the core product

Speed of new product diffusion

Option for new digital products which will typically be information products that can be delivered over the web

Mass customization- kepelbagaian

Bundling combines several product or service options into a package of services, typically at a discounted price. Example Air Asia

For example, subscription, pay-per-view, bundling and ad-supported content.

For example, provide online information on such as awards, testimonies, customer comments, customer service, warranties

  1. Online focus group

2.Online questionnaire survey

  1. Customer feedback
  1. Web analytics

Explore different product options through online market research

Viral marketing

Branding in a digital environment

Succes factor

Creating a compelling, interactive experience

Considering how the site will influence the sales cycle by encouraging trial

Develop permission marketing


Implication of the internet for the price

Increased price transparency

Downward pressure on price

New pricing approaches

Alternative pricing structure or policies

1.Differntial pricing

2.Price elasticity of demand

Price charge to the customers is different according to countries

The change in demand of a product or service in response to changes in price.

Persaingan memaksa, so can operate at lower pricing

An Offer- trade to sell under certain conditions such as minimum prices

A bid- made by a trader to buy under the conditions of the bid

  1. Basic price
  1. Discounts
  1. add-ons and extra products and services
  1. Guarantees and warranties
  1. Refund policies



Place of purchase

New channel structure

channel conflicts

virtual organisations

Internet is a global virtual environment that crosses geographical boundaries

implications for the physical distributions channel

Develop stratergies


  1. Reintermediation
  1. countermediation

arise when disintermediation gives a company opportunity to sell dirct and increased profitability on products. It threaten distribution arrangments with existing partners

Asses channel conflict (menilai)

A communication channel only

A distribution channel to intermediaries

A direct sales channel to customers

Any combination of the above

A company that uses information and communications technology to allow it operate without physical boundaries between different functions.

Implication- Companies should identify opportunities for providing new services and products to customers looking to outsource their external processes.

comparison price EX trivago

Electronic partnership EX Google Ads Work



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lain pelanggan lain cara promosinya

Review new ways of applying each elemets of communication mix