features of database
often a more human friendly method at presenting the results of a quary.its also creates a printable version of a quary result in case a hard copy is needed
input frames
often created to provide a user friendly for experienced database user.
controls by creating macros
security measures/validation
just like with spreadsheets you can create macros using database management software in database they are most commonly used to help database user navigate through the system using a menu/switch board
nearly all database used by organisation contain personal infomation of staff and costumers/clients in order to help keep such data safe and secure under DPA. it is important to password protect it
Reports will provide important detail that can be used to help develop future forecasts, marketing plans, guide budget planning and improve decision-making. Managers also use business reports to track progress and growth, identify trends or any irregularities that may need further investigation
A main advantage of frames is that it allows the user to view multiple documents within a single Web page. It is possible to load pages from different servers in a single frameset. The concern that older browsers do not support frames can be addressed using the <noframe> tag.
Macros are programs used to automate frequently used processes or tasks in Excel. A macro records operations and re-uses the sequence of mouse actions or keystrokes of anything you can do in Excel with keystrokes or a mouse.
Security measures such as policies and regulations allow an organization to maintain, implement, administer and audit its security. If there are any threats or attacks to the organization, the measures help mitigate any risks as well as quickly implement countermeasures
features of spreadsheets
adding buttons to a spreadsheet in order to carry out repetitive tasks e.g create a button to print out a particular table of the spreadsheets
a type of chart in spreadsheets which is updated when the range of the sources data for the chart is updated
living worksheets
rows and columns
data can be used across sheets in order to process and analyse it in a new formats.often used on completed spreadsheets in order to try out new scenarios or to find details on how to achieve an certain goal
through a spreadsheet's grid system of rows and columns, all of your information is neatly organized in one easy-to-read space.
Most data management programs arrange data in such a way that each type of data is represented by a column with a label at the top and each row contains the specific data for one type of item. A collection of data arranged in rows and columns is a table.
charts enable you to visually compare multiple sets of data. Charts can help people better understand and remember information. Many people understand a picture more quickly than blocks of text
Businesses use macros to perform functions like high level calculations, forecasting or basic formatting activities. A task that may take hours to do manually, is cut to several minutes!
Put similar items in the same column Design the data so that all rows have similar items in the same column.
Keep a range of data separate Leave at least one blank column and one blank row between a related data range and other data on the worksheet.