Challenges to the church
Models of church government
Adv of hierarchical
Those who have wisdom and gifts for elder ship should be called upon
Clear line of command
It went virtually uncontested until the time of the reformation
Decisions made quickly
New T maintains it is not forbidden and it is a natural outgrowth of the development of the church
allows the bishop to protect the teaching and the apostolic tradition
Charles Gore said 'like the circle of 12 round their masters' succession of apostles
Pastor pastrum- support for other clergy
Stronger structure in place.
disadv of hierarchical
Very little scriptural evidence
The laity dont have a say
Because of the nature of man mutual accountability is necessary.
Because people feel thy don't have a say and may leave
Rise in hierarchical show rise in political and social abuse in power e.g. relations to sexual abuse scandle in the R.C. church
Adv of democratic
Revelations 2-3 the 'angel in each of the seven churches refer to a single pastor or elder
Argues that James was the sole pastor of the Jerusalam church
The NT does not require a church to have a plurality of elders in every case
1 Tim 3:2 he argues that 'bishop' is singular while 'deacons' was plural argues that there would be one elder per church but several deacons.
Disadv of democratic
James is easily refuted by presence of elders in the church in jeruslem in Acts 15:2
Suffer from lack of mutual accountability
in the NT every church had seven elders
A single person on top leadership levels has redulted in disproportional high numbers of moral failures
Enlightenment 1650-1800s
Enlightened monarches: not the same as the divine monarch so people wouldn't rebel against them.
Catherine the Great of Russia- Josphen II of Russia. In Ausrtia freedom of press and worship, gave freedom to surfs.
Mary Wolfstonecraft women's rights in the late 18th century same rights in education and poverty daughter Mary Shelly early pinier of women's rights
Prassia- Enlightened laws more education, got ride of torture 'A king is the first servant and first magistrate of the state'
Voltarie- imprisoned and exciled because of the C.C. and the government 'If you want to know who controls you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize'
discussed democracy, ending slavery, promoting tolerance of all religion and government for the people by the people
effected the government, the divine right monarchy, class and inequalities in society
Originated in the UK and France
Use logic and reason in the scientific revolution
Renaissance and Humanism
Humanism became quite popular during the Renaissance. The dignity and worth of the individual was emphasized. Humanist in Renaissance times were mainly religious so they sought to purify religion. Humanism did not sit well with the Divine Right of Kings
The invention of the Gutenburg printing press in 1438 allowed the ideas to be spread across Europe
was a fervent period of European cultural, artistic, political and economic 'rebirth' following the middle ages. Promoted the rediscovery of classical philosophy, literature and art. It started in Florence Italy one of the families that backed the Renaissance was the powerful Medici family who ruled Florence for 60 years
Names associated with Renaissance included Da Vinci, Descartes, Copernicus, Chaucer, Erasmus, Machiavelli
Reformation and Secularism
13th century- things changed- revival in interest in Geek and Latin texts
Aquinas and Bacon (2 monks) read Aristotle's texts and a new idea of scholasticism as explaining theology arose along with studying the world as God's creation
Monasteries and abbeys were centers of academic study
The result was that scant room was left for intellectual advancement
Latin was the dominant language as dictated by the Church
The ensuing Reformation loosened the authority and sway of the church, undermined her teaching and caused people to rethink things.
During the Dark Ages (AD 500-1100) academic study languished in Western Europe.
Religion, education and feudalism had all been changed
Salons of Paris
Men like Rousseau, Diderot, Voltaire, Montesquieu met here and discussed important issues of philosophy, politics and religion
They were often organised and hosted in the homes of aristocratic French women
This is where the Philosophes met- the academic and thinkers of wealthy French society.
Enlightenment Philosophies
Exiled from France- Arouet- decoured Locke and Newton's writings and then wrote himself under the nom de plume of Voltarie and became a leading Enlightenment Philosophe in France. Voltaire despised the absolutism of the monarchy. Remember the Divine Right of Kings was a factor in the Enlightenment's rising
France- Montesquieu- 1748 Spirits of the Laws- advocate separating the powers of government
England- John Locke- An essay in Human Understanding
Rousseau and Diderot critised the right of the wealthy to rule
Impact of Enlightenment
Influenced the American, French and Latin revolution
Influenced the writings of the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, and The French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
Governments and the Church did not like the ideas of the Enlightenment and many books were burned and scholars tortured and killed
Political impacts such as the Separation of Powers and Enlightened Despots, or rulers who believed in Enlightenment ideals
How Enlightenment Challenged The Church
So God appeared less necessary- note that very few enlightenment thinkers were atheists that was a later 19th/20th century development
The medieval idea of the divine right of kings was rejected. Democracy and equality were favored and so a ruling aristocracy was rejected. Church influencing state affairs was therefore also rejected and a secular state grew out of this idea.
Doctrines and beliefs were challenged
Tolerance was favored by enlightenment thinkers eg John Locke, and especially religious tolerance. Christianity did not regard other religious with tolerance but saw Christianity as a superior religion
The scientific revolution which had preceded the enlightenment meant that things previously accepted by faith could now be proven by science and therefore God was not the answer
Individualism- no longer did the church decide the best life for people and everyone followed; now each individual should pursue their own idea of happiness so a rights culture grew up. The sense of community coming for the church was challenged.
Primancy of reason- reason or rational thought should determine or deny faith. If faith and reason ever came into conflict then reason would have the upper hand