Interests: Factory, Supply chain, Fleet management, Warehouse, Manufacturing, Transport, Road transport or Logistics, Field of study: Supply chain, Logistics & Transportation, Transport & Logistics or Transportation/Logistics, Industry: Transport and moving
And must also match: Behaviours: Small business owners, Employers: Business Owner, my own company, Business Owners, Owner, Self-Employed or Business Owner, Job title: Small business, Executive director, Senior management, Business Owner, Owner, Senior Vice President, Vice President, Chief financial officer, Director general, Owner/Manager/CEO, Co-Founder and COO, Founder/Manager, Co Owner, Founder, Director, CEO, Executive Vice President (EVP), Owner and Founder, Owner/Managing Director, Own Business, Chairman & Managing Director, Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Founder and Managing Director, Owner/Sole Proprietor, Owner and CEO, Director (business), Executive Vice President, Managing Director, Business Owner/Engineer, Operations Director, Director of Operations, Vice President of Operations, Founder or Managing Director
51,100 - 60,200