Verbos Modales en Pasado

Can + Have + v. p. pas.

May + Have + V. p. pas.

Might + Have + V. p. pas.

Could + Have + V. p. pas.


Reevaluations should be thorough, since exposure
to viruses can have taken place.

Can't + Have + v. p. pas.


The two systems can't have had the same virus
because the damages were different.

Critica Por una accion pasada


Verbos Modales en Pasado (Deber)

Must + Have + V. p.pas.

Should + Have + V.p.pas

Ought to + Have + V. p. pas.



por una acción pasada

Acciones que se esperaba que ocurrieran, pero no ocurrieron

por una acción pasada

Anhelo por algo que no ocurrio



The antivirus, however, may have reacted more to
the virus infections than to other apps.

If we had utilized a simple routine method, the outcome might have been adverse to our expectations

There were other devices with much less serious
damages that could have had the same virus.

You could have told me you were buying a new

The engineer must have changed the device to
protect the system.

Engineers must have bought new software a year
before the new hardware approval.

The new engineer should have purchased a new device even though the conclusive diagnoses had not yet been made.

The notebook should have started by now

The client ought to have waited longer for the PC to
be ready

The results ought to have arrived by now