Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
NRSG 3630
Jenna Machin, Katie Neal, Hasti Halakoeei, and Ben Ferguson
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Salbutamol sulphate
Group of chroinic respiratory disorders characterized by progressive, pathological changes in lungs and obstruction of airways
Mechanism of action
Adverse Effects
Route: nebulizer
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Machine that helps client breathe in medication as a mist by using a mask or mouthpiece
Prescription needed
Can be given in hospital or at home
Signs and Symptoms
Genetic factors for nonsmokers, typically low alpha-antitrypsin protein
exposure to air pollutants
destruction of the alveolar walls and septae
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cigarette smoking
shortness of breath on exertion, progresses to occurring at rest
little sputum presented when coughing
clubbed fingers
tachypnea with prolonged expiration and use of accessory muscles
hyperinflation eventually leads to development of "barrel chest"
decreased surface area for gas exchange
difficulty with expiration is progressive
pulmonary capillaries decrease, which affects perfusion and diffusion of gases
loss of elastic fibers, causing decreased lung recoil
Chronic irritation and frequent infections causes fibrosis and thickening of bronchial walls
frequent infections due to secretions being more difficult to remove
narrowed airways
weakened walls
interference with passive expiratory airflow
overinflation of the lungs
barrel chest
air trapping
Trade names
Short-acting bronchodilating agonist drug.
Acts by stimulating primarily the beta 2 receptor in the lungs
causes adenylate cyclase to be activated and produce cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)
increased levels of cAMP causes bronchial smooth muscle to relax
leading to bronchial dilation and increased airflow
prevention or relief of bronchospasm
uncontrolled cardiac dysrhythmias
high risk of stroke due to vasodilation mechanism of action
drug allergy
vascular headaches
when used with nonselective beta-blockers, bronchodilation effect is reduced
avoid use with MAOIs and other sympathomimetics because of an increased risk for hypertension
Patients with diabetes may need adjustment due to increased blood glucose levels that can occur
If used too frequently/at a higher dose
increased heart rate
increased anxiety
immediate onset of action
peak plasma concentration at 10-25 minutes
Elimination half-life at 3-4 hours
Duration of Action is 3-4 hours
This client would receive approx. 2.5-5 mg