Consumption - Cloud Licence Consumption (%)
Solution type
change management challenges
number of years as customer
ticket resolution time
ticket volume
Size of the organisation - T shirt size
Account manager- Manager Utilization (%)
performance related issues - Hana dB takes 1 hour to process 1GB of data
Adoption - Deployed ACV
time to value
solution type
Account manager
Industry type
implementation services like PE, pref success, Partner eco, partner prime
organisation size
customer NPS - usually reactive and we get less data
unfinished transaction/ bounce rate - there must some tracking for this
MU - in connection with regulation
communication cadence
Time taken per transaction for example -order creation
Outage rates
Number of billed hours/ day
Upsell/Attach - Custom with ML
Number of years as customer
Market unit - Regulation
innovation index
Education programme possible solution
Type of project / customisation level
change management - Early adopter support feedback
can vary for restricted and un restricted
customise messaging or communication based on their profile. customer group specific implementation specific implementation support
best practice sharing and ideal cadence set up proactive feedback to an account manager who hasn't connected with the customer for long
Shelfware reasons, cancelled reasons- HPI
Early adopter feedback