Constructivism is a theory that encompasses many important aspects to put into practice in the classroom, such as prior knowledge, the student's cognitive stage, collaborative work, context, motivation and where the student is active in their learning processes. A very significant strategy is the project work where the above mentioned aspects are put into practice and also allows to work on different topics and helps to work collaboratively favoring multiple intelligences, peer tutoring and also motivation which is very important for constructivists and Maslow.The perspectives of constructivism Psychogenetic and Sociocultural constructivism have more meaning if they work together and are enriched with other theories, in education plans of study take into account the stages of development of piaget to develop activities according to age, however, in practice it is enriched with the theory of vygotsky to develop activities that include the context and culture of the student, and favoring the scaffolding where the teacher or other people can participate. In my case I work with different elementary grades and the project work and tutoring is very functional and interesting for students of different ages.