Moral Mind Map

Parents: My parents are the main influencers on how I view the world because they personally show me what it means to be successful and to have a good life. They taught me all the ethics and morals I should know, and all the things I should never do in life such as smoking, drugs, harassment, etc.

My mom's customers: My mom’s customers, even though they support my mom’s business, are not all good people as they showed the greed and corruption of humans; They gamble, marry people for money, are selfish, and much more. However, my mom does also have some morally good customers that influenced me to pursue med. These customers have very smart kids that I talk to when I need help laying down the path for my future goals.

Anime: Even though animes are ridiculed as childish, they possess very core important concepts such as kindness, what it means to be an up-stander, comedy, how to care for your friends when they are sad, how to make light of situations, etc. Anime ultimately changed my life as it provided me with a good set of morals and a humorous attitude. Several anime I have watched showed what perseverance is, what motivation is, what it means to reach your goals, how much people care for you, and much more.

Games: Games have changed my view of life as it provided a fun, unique, getaway from everyday life and school. The games I played required thinking, strategies, leadership, and communication and this carries over into real life as when I am faced with a challenge, I love to tackle them instead of running away. Moreover, I have met several online people that I still talk to this day for the last 6 years as they are extremely nice and help me in times when I am down.

My middle school science teacher: My middle school science teacher, Ms Sampath, opened my eyes towards the science field and it showed me how much I loved the subject. It also gave me another perspective on life that was not religious. She made science very interesting and a topic that I will follow for life as it explains the scientific basis behind everything in the universe.

My middle school best friends: My middle school best friends are my childhood friends that I have known since forever. We play games every Friday and mentally check up on each other; Without them, I would be very bored and a completely different guy as they are some of the smartest and ethically good people I know. They are my personal embodiment of a long everlasting friendship.

My high school best friends: My high school best friends showed me that high school is not mundane and knowing the right people will make school extremely fun. I spent freshman year alone with 1 or 2 friends, but now, I have a group of friends that I can rely upon. I trust them wholeheartedly and look up to them as they all have a certain area of subject they are very good at.

Mr. Tsan: Mr Tsan ultimately changed the way I viewed teachers as all the teachers I had before seemed impossible to reach and understand. He is a fun and relatable teacher because he plays relevant games that me and many others also play, is open about his life sometimes, and makes class in general very interesting. I used to dread math as it was the worst subject for me, but now, I look forward to it as it is one of my best subjects currently.

Pranav: Pranav is my best friend that I met in 2nd grade and he has stayed with me up to this day. I look up to his work ethic, how smart he is, how kind and generous he is, how supportive he can be, and the way he handles criticism. He is a very relaxed, yet smart, person with a clear set goal in his mind; Pranav is someone that I can always trust and look up to when I am down in the dumps.

Cousins: I have known my 2 cousins, Marcus and Jaq, ever since I was born and they showed me what it meant to be family. They showed me what it meant to have fun with your family on trips and how to bond with other people. Moreover, I look up to them as they are both hardworking people.



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