While he was staying in one of the villages, he found a nether portal, which is not so common. He considered using it to travel to Tommy faster, or maybe gathering some resources he could sell to the villagers in order of getting more food. He went in there in the end, to see what the spawn was, only to find himself on an island, with a small zombified piglin and nothing more but open space. The kid seems lonely and immediately gravitates towards him, asks for his name and tells him about a chicken he had but that ran away. He tells him how he got there. They talk a lot, and when the kid says he’s hungry, and Tubbo realizes that he has no more food left, that Micheal can safely eat, he tells him to wait for him to go into the Overworld to get more food. However, as he steps out of the portal, a creeper explosion surprises him and breaks the portal.