my goal of healthy lifestyle project
target audience
LA students
take a video of (because of covid)
how to cook an healthy food
how to play cricket
Healthy lifestyle
Become healthy, to have a healthy life and live longer.
Stay healthy and stay fit
To live a longer and healthy life
Create a healthy lifestyle for LA students and teachers
LA teachers
Promote healthy lifestyle
Encourage them to exercise more
promote healthy diet
To prevent chronic diseases and long-term illness
Maintain a healthy lifestyle
direct, indirect, advocacy or research
We will choose a sport and host a tournament for our target audience but before that we will have some tutorial lessons for them to learn that sport so they could get an idea of it and maybe they could also be interested.
he second action: (if possible) during the morning devotion we would introduce the sport and talk more about it. We would invite some national players to talk about their experience and their thoughts about that sport so that they could encourage the students to play this sport.
Global context and subject area
Personal and cultural expression