What were the key features of Mary's government and how successful were they in securing her control?

Privy Council

The role of Parliament

Revenue administration

Naval and militia reforms


Support for boroughs

Poverty and poor relief

Appointed councillors who served E VI. successfully

Kenninghall faction loyal but limited

Council limited but provided skillful administration

Both Crown and Par. wanted compromises but not always

1554 after WR rejected proposals for exclusion of Eli. from succession

80 MPs opposed to repeal of Ed. reform

Lords and Commons worked together to limit Philips role

Lord Treasurer Winchester took over Exchequer introducing more efficient augmentation methods

Increase in Revenue from Crown Lands

New Book of Rates 1558 increased customs revenue

Recoinage in El. reign based on plans in Marys reign

6 new ships built, £14000 allocated to navy in peace, reduced to £12000 under El.

Musters (almost conscription) = reformed ways of raising troops

Charters of Incorporation = clarification of religious policies

Uniform standard for structure and power of Town Councils

High taxation due to war

Laws against grain hoarders enforced

Overseers of the poor in Yorkshire