Performance Assessment, is an approach to educational assessment that requires students to directly demonstrate what they know and are able to do through open-ended tasks, such as constructing an answer, producing a project or performing an activity.
Performance Assessment asks student to apply their knowledge and skills in creating some form of product, presentation or demonstration focused on key aspects of academic learning. In the contact of 21st century skills the term' performance assessment' commonly refers to substantiative activities - either short term, on demand tasks or curriculum-embedded, project-based tasks that yield reliable and valid scores. Products can be extended writing, research reports, presentations, works of art, performances and more.
Some examples include:
- Conducting an investigation on science
- developing a computer program to demostartate functions in mathematics
- Analysing source documents to copare and contrast different historical points of view in social studies,
- Developing a multi-media presentation in English class
- Acting out a character on a theatrical production or
- Completing a painting in art class.