'Explore how transformation and change is presented in Hobson's Choice.'






Still worried about fashion and looks

Doesn't want to look after Hobson

Doesn't want to look after Hobson

Still worried about fashion and looks

Doesn't want any responsibility because of her baby

To start off with Willie is working in the cellar but as the play progresses he starts working overground. This really reflects on his transformation in the play.

Doesn't want any responsibility

Gains power throughout the play except over Willie - he gains it over her

Maggie teaches him to read, write and make speeches.

Acquires a softer character and starts to succumb to Willie's influence and power.

Is very proper in worrying about appearances in public

he becomes scared of himself towards the end of the play.

Has to abstain from alcohol

Albert Prosser

Freddie Beenstock

He marries Vickey

He marries Alice

When Alice and Vickey wear the latest fashion - bustles - he gets cross with them, saying it's not decent.