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Concept based teaching and learning, Concepts removed (but still relevant…
Concept based teaching and learning
What is CBL?
A three-dimensional model of learning that frames facts (content) and skills with key concepts and understanding
It is not about learning facts and figures in isolation
Concepts are used to give students the tools necessary to make sense of the world
Key concepts are broad and transdiciplinary ideas or anchors for organizing understanding and learning, and used to frame inquiry
The benefits of CBL
Enables students to think beyond the factual contents of the course
Be active, inquiring, and curious learners rather than passive learners
Make connections of knowledge to the key concepts as transferable ideas or lenses across all topics in the course
Higher-order thinking skills that enable students to think critically and creatively to solve problems
Enables students to own and drive their own learning in a synergistic way
Concepts in Business Management
(the key concepts help to provide focus and lenses to develop knowledge and understanding, rather than over relying on remembering factual content)
"When you’re finished changing, you’re finished." - Benjamin Franklin
“You cannot make yourself feel something you do not feel, but you can make yourself do right in spite of your feelings.” - Pearl S. Buck
“We need to think of the future and the planet we are going to leave to our children and their children.” - Kofi Annan
“Creativity is intelligence having fun.” - Albert Einstein
Challenges ahead
Curriculum time to embed CBL and inquiry in an authentic way
"what gets measured gets improved" - Peter Drucker
Curriculum delivery
Discussions about the traditional linear approach vs CBL approach
Reflections of current practices
What makes a lesson ‘successful’?
How effectively do you engage your students in their learning?
What makes teaching (and/or learning) meaningful?
How do you know your students are learning?
Concepts removed
(but still relevant as content)