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Arts of Gender, Paper Ideas - Coggle Diagram
Arts of Gender
The Cheat- Film
opening scene- dark, menacing, mysterious, inscrutable. the branding sequence reminiscent of obvious otherness?
east is east and west is west and never the twain shall meet- lack of willingness to understand each other- part of orientalism
Focault, History of Sexuality
otherness is always erased OR oversexualized, no happy medium
Tiger Flu
Ultimate dystopia for some, utopia for others- men only affected by this plague, grist sisters live in society without men
HoST- the evil company of the dystopia- manufacture scales, help people remember old ways of life
no access to the past, no memory
uninhabitable world, anti-human
the most egregious form of capitalism- killing people to profit off their consciousness, "what will you buy when everyone is dead"
Fox Girl
levels of american racism baked in american idealism- colorism, black ppl seen as least desriable
this happens in the real world to this day, colonization effects bleed into prejudices- korean/east asian obsession w whiteness
London, The Unparalleled Invasion
Said, Orientalism
Orientalism, as a Western style for dominating, restructuring, and having authority over the Orient..
body, psyche, space as different components of identity
what does it mean to be american/ what does it mean to be Asian american- what does that specificity do- can it bring together or push back against american values
Shimizu, The Hypersexuality of Race
Butler, Critically Queer
citation of self- like how papers reference others, "you" need citations of others to create identity
This is Your Life
this man and his family were used as props, had their story repeated back to them, and were forced to acknowledge one of the people who actually dropped the bomb. wtf
Hiroshima Maidens
this same man is the one who advocated for bring the girls to america, idea of healing the living prioritized over mourning the dead
Ong, Silent Anatomies
expectations as potions, cures for life? cures for societal happiness?
The yellow woman as a commodity, easy disposability
Animacies- Chen
Furry politics- domesticated animals seen as more pure/cute personas, racialization of certain animals/sexualities
Zuo, Carnal Orient
similar to a play, an act in itself?
Sparking joy, serving mess
aesthetic of "tidying up" has to be cute, subservient, innocent
Serlin, Replaceable You
the body is fixable, not sent in stone
Island Poetry
sense of disillusion, promise of better life but no actual guarantee
neat, orderly lines, like immigration lines?
Daughter of the Dragon
re: title- asian women as animals, dragon fox- often elusive, threatening, non friendly
Paper Ideas
speculative fiction- tiger flu vs fox girl, tragedy vs potential tragedy