English Revsion year 8 famous speeches

Equality for everyone

Vote for rights and equality

Nelson mandala

Martin Luther king

Emmeline Pankurst

Emma Watson

what organisation did she run

she ran an organisation for the 'Heforshe'. she created a speech to perform to a commity to help her fund her new orgnisation

What was 'heforshe'

it was an organisation that fought for men and women to not be discriminated against their gender or race she wanted to get rid of steryotypes

why did she include both genders

she wanted every one to be together and to fight against discrimination and steryotypical rule and accusations

who was she

Emmeline Pankurst was an inspirational women who helped lead the suffragettes along with christabell and sylvia pankhurst she was born in 1858 in manchester. her parents were activists and she married richard pankhurst. before becoming the lead suffragette she was a factory worker

what did she found

she founded the WSPU however later on the public started calling the the suffragettes which they took with pride

what was her famous speech about

its was about equal rights for all and proving how strong and loyal women are in the war

what Did ANC stand for

African National Congress

Who was he

he was a passionate, determined and resillient man who fought with the ANC. he got arrested for 27 years and when he came out he became the first black presisdant in Africa

what did he attack

To avoid human loss he attacked infrastructure and tall builiding such as pylons

who is he and what does he fight for.

After 100 years after Abraham Lincolns proclaination, blacks were still oppressed in america. he was fighting to end segregation

what was his speech called

his famous speech was called ' I have a dream' it used Metaphores, repition, emotive language and pathos