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Educational Management, Educational Management, Educational Management,…
Educational Management
Fundamentals of Educational Organization and Management
Management and teachers teams.
The management and teaching team is to clearly determine the role or position that the person occupies in the educational organization.
The use of Competency Profiles is an extraordinary tool for examining the institution's practices, motivating self-evaluation and promoting individual and organizational development plans with great possibilities of success.
Weak structure in the educational institution.
The contents are not very meaningful for the students.
Plans and programs are poorly related to the socioeconomic and cultural needs of today's world.
There is a deficit in teacher education and training.
Failure of large segments of the population to successfully finance a cycle or level of education
The teaching profession is devalued and discredited.
Models of Educational Organization.
A division of labor based on specialization.
Promotion and selection based on technical competencies.
A system of procedures and rules to handle all eventualities arising on the job.
Impersonalidad en las relaciones humanas.
A well-defined hierarchy or scale of command.
The educational organization as text and as context.
Pillars of an organization
Flexibility, understood as the ability to adapt to the demands of the practice.
Permeability or openness to the immediate environment.
Rationality, in reference to the logical arrangement of the elements and the organizational dynamic.
Collegiality, as opposed to individualism in the use of structures and operating processes.
Educational Management
Educational Planning and Administration
Strategic Educational Management
Strategic educational administration is responsible for the quality of both academic and administrative processes; for the environment in which the inter-learning process takes place; in short, for the quality of its graduates and the impact of the educational system.
Strategic educational planning
Educational Strategic Planning allows the active participation of the different actors involved in this process, i.e., authorities, teachers, students, parents and even community members interested in improving the quality of education.
The organizational and curricular structure
The organizational and curricular structure depends on the type of organization (public or private, for-profit or not-for-profit).
The division into functional areas and the design of the structure must be flexible enough to allow for a dynamic administration based on educational projects.
Application workshop: Case analysis: PEI, PCI
To understand organizational thinking as applied to educational institutions.
Identify strategies for innovation and dynamization in educational management
Apply institutional strategic thinking.
Apply the fundamentals of marketing in education.
Educational Management
Management and commercialization of Educational Projects
Fundamentals of educational marketing
Educational marketing is based on a process of researching social needs in order to develop educational services to satisfy them.
The educational service and its valuation
The educational service includes the set of legal norms, curricular programs, education by levels and grades, non-formal education and informal education,
Its assessment is based on the principles of the Political Constitution on the right to education of every person.
Promotional strategies for educational projects
how to diagnose, plan, develop and communicate educational projects
How to investigate and meet the community's expectations of the educational institution.
How to grow and adapt to the challenges of the 21st century while providing a quality educational service.
Application workshop: Survey construction
Formulation of hypotheses or objectives.
Determination of variables
Content planning.
Formal elaboration, formal wording of questions and determination of criteria.
Critical judgment.
Educational Management
Quality management in educational institutions
Meanings of quality in education.
Quality in education is the result of a process, then it is a product, understood as the improvement in knowledge, intellectual skills, competencies, habits and attitudes of the learner.
Quality and equity in education.
Quality and equity in education is based on the actions that educational authorities should focus on strengthening the school institution. Quality and equity in the education of socially vulnerable groups could be achieved through the construction of a pedagogy of diversity.
Educational quality evaluation models
the most important contribution that evaluation can make to the quality of education is that which aims to determine its relevance, efficacy, effectiveness, congruence, which are the explanatory-relational dimensions of quality.
Construction of quality indicators.
In the first place, we should speak of conceptual changes, In the second place, we can refer to methodological changes. Thirdly, we should mention changes in the use of evaluation, Fourthly and finally, we can point out some structural changes.
Educational Management
Culture and change in educational organizations.
Concept and dimensions of organizational culture.
The concept of organizational culture helps us to understand what maintains cohesion or disunity in the social life of the school.
Dimensions: The process of curriculum construction
The organizational conditions of the center
Teachers and their professional development
Relations with families and the environment.
Relationships as a dimension of school organization.
Relationships as a dimension of school organization comprises the formal set of relationships between the constituent elements of the system, i.e., those elements specific to the school.
Professional cultures and the organization of teaching work.
Culture is thus configured as a mediating factor between the structural and individual/group components.
The main importance of the organization of teaching work is based on planning.
Educational leadership
Leadership in education implies a permanent exercise of co-responsibility, sharing and confluence of wills in the perspective of the general interest over the private ones.
Innovation and change processes in educational organizations: different models.
Innovation processes involve a deliberate, systematic and explicit process that introduces changes in ideas, conceptions, goals, contents and educational practices to achieve specific objectives and obtain educational improvements.
Innovation is assumed as an intentional or deliberate process, planned and evaluated in relation to its pedagogical and social objectives.
Organizational change as cultural change.
The idea of educational change is, in itself, an organizational change because it always involves a reconstruction of the organizational culture.
Educational Management
Power and decision-making processes
Power, influence and decision making
Power can be defined as the ability of an individual or group of individuals to modify the behavior of other individuals or groups.
Influence is the ability to influence the behavior of others, to change the likelihood that others will respond in certain ways to certain stimuli.
Decision-making consists of finding an appropriate behavior to solve a problematic situation.
It refers to the use of formal and informal power by individuals and groups to achieve their goals in organizations.
Internal and external participation
Encourage the students and faculty to participate in the management of the Center through their own bodies.
The Center shall have a set of Internal Regulations, updated and known to all.
To strengthen and promote collaboration with other educational and non-educational organizations and institutions in the area.
Conflict as an inevitable component of social organizations
This process of confrontation and conflict resolution is the basis for the growth of interaction between educational actors; it is the process that is established between stability and transformation.
Rights and duties of the members of the school community
To receive education in quantity and quality
To be respected in their freedom of conscience.
To practice their profession on the basis of respect for academic freedom and freedom of teaching.
Training, updating and new in-service formulation to adapt to the required curricular changes.
b) To participate in the activities of the educational establishments individually or through the collegiate bodies.
a) To be recognized as the natural and primary agent of education.
Learning to live together: the organization's educational objective
Learning to live together with others is an essential goal of education and represents one of the main challenges for today's educational systems. It is a valuable learning process in itself and essential for the construction of a more democratic, supportive, cohesive and peaceful society.
Coexistence: a global organizational approach
Coexistence in schools is a common concern for all members of the school community. This problem is continuously present in conversations, in discussions, in the specialized press.