Contemporary study- Williams:
Ppts recruited in a clinic in Australia and completed an online questionnaire and diagnostic interview by phone. 69 ppts randomly allocated to intervention or waitlist control group.
Baseline measures-interviews over phone and questionnaires of depressive symptoms, degrees of disability's, anxiety and negative thoughts.
No differences between the 2 groups.
Following an explanation, the ppts rated how logical the programmes seemed, and how useful they'd be, on a 4 point scale.
The intervention group completed 7 days of CBM-I whilst the control group did not.
All puts completed questionnaire again
Intervention group completed 10 weeks of ICBT and were assessed, whilst the control group waited for treatment. - all ppts completed questionnaires again.
Finally the control group commenced the 10 week treatment, but without the 7 days of CBM-I.
Results:Average distress scores decreased by 12 for the intervention group but only dropped by 4 for the control group.
CBM-I can lead to significant symptom reduction in 1 week.