Childhood Trauma


physical health

reproductive health

mental health

Trauma Response

Cost of living & Livelihood

Unwilling dissociation

Drug Induced dissociation

Worsening mental health

increased risk of hospitalization

Lesser Quality of Life

Increase in stress

Increased risk of disorders such as ptsd, phobias, anxiety, and depression.

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Increase in unhealthy coping techniques

Trauma can make getting a job difficult, sometimes leading to low funding

Less money to spend on essentials

drug use leads to increase in infertility

Substance Abuse

Stress hormone release due to trauma response can cause physical damage or developmental delays

Retail Therapy

money spent on substances

Difficulty socially, including with work and education (less money)

Less access to care

Increase in substance abuse to make life temporarily feel better

Increase in probability of homelessness

Maintaining poor habits instead of kicking them

Increased drug use

Further declining social life

Increased suicide rate

Increased likelihood of passing on generational trauma

leading to more trauma

Lesss supprt

Increase in spending, decrease in mental wellness and amplification of existing mental illness