07 Endocrine Marvelyn Breceda 6th period anatomy

Include the hormones and their functions and their target organs ✅

Compare and contrast steroid vs. non-steroid hormones and list the hormones for each
category ✅

Major endocrine glands/organs and their functions (separate by region / body cavity) ✅

Major functions of the endocrine system ✅

works with the nervous system to maintain homeostasis

Organs are not anatomically adjacent to each other

Hormones diffuse into bloodstream to act on specific target cells some distance away

Parathyroid gland

Adernal glands

Thyroid gland


pituitary gland

Thyroid gland consists of secretory units called follicles,filled with hormone-storing colloid

A negative feedback mechanism involving blood calcium level regulates release of pth

Cells of the adernal cortex produce over 30 steriods some of which are hormone vital to survive

Secretes hormones as an endocrine gland, and digesr juice into the digestive tract as an exocrine gland pancreatic hormone control level of blood glucose

reproductive gland

Pineal gland


Thymus gland

Secretes melatonin, is involved in the regulation of circadian rhythms of the body

Ovaries and testes

Secrete erythropoietin for blood cell preoduction

Secretes thymosin, that affect production and different action of T lymphocytes

attached to hypothalamus by a stalk called the infundibulum

Thyroid gland

parathyroid gland

pituitary hormone


steriod hormone

are lipid-soluble, they pass through sell membranes

carried in bloodstream weakly bound to plasma proteins

Protein receptor for steriods are located inside target cells

hormone is called first messanger

chemicals in the cell that responds to binding of hormone

Combine with receptor in target cell membranes

growth horomonee

stimulates body cells to grow and reproduce

speeds rate,cells use carbohydrates and fats

Follicular cell produce 2 iodire-containing hormones

hormones are essential for normal/growth

regulate metabolism

releases calcuim to the blood

click to edit

Pth increases blood caicim ion concerntration and decreases phosphate

pth stimulates the kidneys to conserve calcium


Insulin drecreases the blood level of glucose

control level of blood glucose

glucagon increases the blood level

Homeostatic mechanisms of hormone regulation (negative and positive feedback) ✅

Diseases associated with the endocrine system ✅

Negative feedback

horemone level rises, hormone exerts its efffects, further seceretionis inhibited by negative feedback then hormone section decresed

a gland is sensitive to the concentray=tion of substance it regulates

release of hormone from hypothalamus

controls secerations of the anterior pituitary

made up by cells , tissues and organs

hormones regulate a number of metabolic processes withn cells


Diabetes 1