Forced Migration
In Syria Case Study
Leaving syria almost 10,000 people were killed during 2019 and 6,800 in 2020
What led to forced migration in Syria?
why do Syrian refugee often immigrate to european countries?
Why are people forced to leave syria ?
Answer: They leave when they can stand their lives and they fell young anything else is better
How many people fail in leaving syria each year?
In March 2011 violent government crackdown on public demonstrations in support of a group of teenagers. Who were arrested for anti-government graffiti in the southern town of Daraa and all of that led to what has happened today before our very eyes.
Answer: because they see that european countries are the safes and often has the strongest laws available.
Where is this event set?
The war is set in the North west province of Idlib but it has spread to almost all of syria. The war affects more than 75% of the country, the country's citizens, are migrating by water or land and almost 5.6 million of Syrian refugees are migrating to turkey, because they are one of the neighboring countries of syria.
Who is affected by the war
The war has mainly affected the citizens of Syria by changing their point of view of life, and how their life means to them, the war has also affected a lot of countries like, Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt because those are the most known countries that Syrian citizens live at.
Why has this event happened
when the war first started the people slowly began to immigrate, the war started because of teenagers he were torrtcher, a group of teenagers who got arrested and tortured because of painting revolutionary slogans on a school property.
How is it being managed?
The war kills more people everyday, about 18,000 people immigrate out of syria daily making it one of the most immigrated countries in the world, this means that 13 million people in total are forcibly displaced. usual the easiest way for the people to flee syria they usually flee to the closest country available, but some people try to flee to countries like Germany or the united kingdom because it has the best care for refugees.
How has this affected the neighboring countries
It has affected the countries by increasing the population drastically and lowering or raising the countries GDP which could help or hinder the countries economy.
How is it being managed?
The war kills more people everyday, about 18,000 people immigrate out of syria daily making it one of the most immigrated countries in the world, this means that 13 million people in total are forcibly displaced. usual the easiest way for the people to flee syria they usually flee to the closest country available, but some people try to flee to countries like Germany or the united kingdom because it has the best care for refugees.
Why has this event happened?
when the war first started the people slowly began to immigrate, the war started because of teenagers he were torrtcher, a group of teenagers who got arrested and tortured because of painting revolutionary slogans on a school property.
Migration for Compassion reasons
People Who choose to immigrate to near my countries such as turkey or Jordan, have been accepted because the country gives pity to them, so they offer them a job, and let them live in their country, temporarily or for the rest of their lives. some foundations keep them sheltered and safe if 6they have a issue, or if they bare afraid for their lives, some foundations offer emotional therapy so they an forget what has happened or to make them think of something alternative. But most of the time the immigrants work so they can help grow the countries economy.
some countries give chances to less unfortunate people who migrated or immigrated to another county.
What are the affects of the Syrian war today?
This war has affected the Syrian citizens life a lot, m but taking away the life’s of their family members and causing them drama, and emotional damage, and hospitalizing over 100,00 people.
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This war has costed the economy around $428 Billion
Half of the Syrian population forcefully had to leave their homes.
The Syrian war created the largest Refugee Displacement ever to be recorded
70 % of the population lack the amount of water
17% of the population lack Adequate shelter
10% of the population are internally displaced in t6he country and they are living in camps
13.5 million people including children do not have humanitarian protection and assistance
Almost 60% of syria don’t have food to eat
four out of five people in syria live inn poverty
The Syrian War has mainly affected 6.5 million people, but it affected more then 10 million people by killing relatives family members, and it has also affected a lot of soldiers who have went to war in syria it has affected a lot of chidden but scaring them for life.
Where do Syrian Refugees often immigrate too?
Syrian refugees often flee to countries close to syria, like Turkey. Almost 3.6 million Syrian Citizens flee to Turkey and whenever they want to flee to European countries they often go to Germany because they offer free Public education until after collage, so that makes a very good spot for Syrian refugees to go to.
does the war affect its citizens that are in the country and out of the country
The country has affected a lot of its citizens by not having any food or water, not having a place to sleep, and the country is taking risks that kills their citizens everyday thus creating even more any citizens. was has happened for the passed 10 years has affected millions of peoples point of view of life and even made people dislike Arabians because what is going on here paints a different picture about Arabs, and it also endangers children and families, many people wake up and get the news that their family members had died and many people have seen their family members and friends pass away before their vary eyes, and that could lead to a lot of drama that cannot leave the human mind, it could make people afraid for their lives because of what they have seen and many people commit suicide to get away from these memories, and many people feel that the only way to forget about what has happened to them is to kill themselves.
What is peoples point of view about the catastrophe that is going on in syria
Their is no doubt that what is going on in syria is bad, and their is more than one point of view of what is really going on in syria, for example
the Assistant Secretary of State of African affairs in the united states, Susan rice said “ Syria is a civil war. Syria began as popular uprising, just like the other experiences in the Arab springs, with repressive, government that responded basically killing the protesters. it's no a genocide, it's a war, and there’s a difference. Genocide is a preplanned attack on people because of who they are. This is a interstate conflict”.
In the other hand people like Bashar AlAssad has said “ No government in the world kills its people, unless its led by a crazy person” he thinks the act opposite of Susan Rice
but many people have different point of views about this and its mainly because some people seem to not mind about what is going on and many people make assumptions about anything they see