The Incentive Theory of Motivation

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic Motivation

most powerful

Use for personal development & self-understanding


fulfill a basic need

bring intrinsic rewards

prove you doesn't shy away from goals

ablility to achieve goals

Extrinsic Motivation

obtain an extrinsic reward

receive positive responses...

About extrinsic motivation

Stem from expectations imposed on you and others

Actions from EM are more difficult than from IM

Find purpose

The expectancy theory of Motivation

Reflect a person's intensity

When belive you're worthy=> action to achieve goals


Self-esteem and Motivation


the result of your perception

reflect past reaction

highly SE

help to see mistakes

Highly motivated

Low SE

opposite charecteristics

Let go of the Past; focus on Present

Use positive Self-talk

focus on positive qualities

Reflect high SE and Self-efficacy

Turn negative to constructive

Use Affirmations

positive statements

change your basic belief

use positive word and tones

Write affimation in the present tense

Write with certainty and conviction

Keep the affirmation short and simple

Repeat your affirmation frequently

Visualize Success

close eye => create a picture

in visualization, see, you receiving reward

Practice "rerunning" several time

Acknowledge Yourself

help build SE & Self-confidence

can't rely on them

recognize your accomplishments

the belief in your ability

have a sense of self-confidence

propel you to complete the task

Building self-efficacy

Plan to succeed

Use effective strategies

Use motivation to persevere