Lic. Review

Food Frequency

Factors influence food frequency - economic - social - demographic etc

Adolescents in Malaysia


FFQ vs other methods in adolacent population- from PHN notes

Food comsumtion trends in Malaysia - Vegitables, Fruits, Milk, Fast Food, Cabonated drinks and Water

composition in population pyramid

Other Confounders and Effect Modifiers

Influence of gender, rural/urban, household income etc

Nutritional requirements of adolescents in Malaysia

Different Categories

Infuenlnce of food choice/food frequency in obesity

Association between food choices (frequency of intake of fast food, carbonated drinks, milk, vegetables and fruits) and the prevalence of obesity & overweight among the school-going adolescents in Malaysia

Global & local trends

Defining Obesity/Overweight

Global & regional trends in adolacent obesity

Measures to express obesity - BMI, weist circumference

Short-term and long-term consequences of obesity in adolescents

Fast Food

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