Transformational perspective of leadership.- Changing teams or organization by creating, communicating and modelling a vision for the organization.

a) Transformational vs transactional leadership.

i) transactional gain compliance by using reward & penalties.

ii) transformational engages employees by appealing to their values & aspiration.

b) Transformational vs charismatic leadership.

i) charisma refers to personal quality that provides referent power over followers

ii) transformational refer to behaviours that people use to lead the change process.

c) Elements of transformational leadership.

i) create strategic vision; realistic and attractive future that bonds employees together towards organizational goal.

ii) communicate the vision; communicate the meaning & elevate the importance of the visionary organizational goal to employees.

iii) model the vision; walk the talk to demonstrate what the vision looks like.

iv) build commitment towards the vision; through several ways as words, symbols, stories, and attitudes.

d) Evaluating the transformational leadership perspective.

i) measure through how successful on changing the organization.

ii) measure through achievement towards organization goal.

Implicit leadership perspective. -Regarding employees perception on leader performance behavior in organization.

a) Prototype of effective leaders.

i) everyone has leadership prototype develop through socialization.

ii) inherit personality characteristic significantly can influence others.

b) The romance of leadership

exist because people believe that leader can make difference.

Ethical leadership.

i) ethical behavior by top management shapes ethical behaviors at lower level of organization & improves the outcome.

ii) through prudence, courage, temperance and justice.

Cross-culture & gender issues in leadership.

ii) women easily adopt participative leadership style compare to male & also in interpersonal skills, coaching, teamwork & empowering employees.

i) culture shape the leaders value & norms which influence the decision & action.
