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Learning Theory - Coggle Diagram
Learning Theory
Donald Hebb:Associative Learning
George Armitage Miller: Chunking and the Magical Number 7(Plus or minus 2)
John Sweller: Cognitive Load Theory
Allan Paivio: Dual Coding Theory
Leon Festinger: Cognitive Dissonance
Donald Broadbent: Artificial Intelligence
Howard Gardner: Multiple Intelligences
Daniel Goleman: Emotional Intelligence
Norman Doidge: Brain Plasticity
Renate Caine and Geoffrey caine: The 12 principles of meaningful learning
Edward Thorndike:Connectionism(Trial & Error)
John Watson: The Principles of stimulus-response
Ivan Pavlov:Classical Conditioning
Burrhus Frederick Skinner: Operant Conditioning-Radical behaviourism
Edward Tolman:Latent Learning
Robert Gagne: Nine levels of learning
Siegfried Engelmann:Direct instruction
John Dewey:Intelligent action
Wolfgang Kohler:Insight Theory
Lev Vygotsky: Scaffolding-The zone of proximal development
Jean Piaget: Constructivism
Albert bandura: Role Modelling
David Ausubel: Reception Learning(Subsumption Theory)
Jerome Bruner:Discovery Learning
Malcom Knowles:Andragogy
Abraham Maslow: Hierarchy of needs
Carl Rogers:Facilitation
Jack Mezirow:Transformational Learning