The Arts for Personal Growth of Park Leaders - the arts can open your awareness to the world around you through being exposed to other people's stories and worldviews, as well as grow your own self-awareness through self-reflection, emotional bonds, and a shift in your own perspective. They can also give you communication skills and the ability to work in new environments or environments where you have to have good improvisational skills. If the arts breed awareness, empathy, openness, and emotional connection (ie. to nature, and to people) how could the arts help park leaders themselves to become better leaders, team players and people.
Identified Values of Artistic Interpretation from a Park Leader's Perspective: Staff who have experience in the field of the Arts typically have a strong ability to receive and utilize feedback and effectively communicate their own perspectives; expertise that is greatly beneficial in forming effective and affective interpretation programs, but moreover, in strengthening leadership traits within and amongst staff teams