Next, the second strategy is "Lend a helping hand" where the objective is to promoved collaborative learning which is based on the indicator: Collaborative strategies that belong to the first variable: non-educational applications. This strategy will also be developed using unit two from the didactic guide "Programa de Estudios de III Ciclo y Educación Diversificada MEP 2016" where the scenario taken is: "From the wheel to the drone" and the theme: "Living in a technological world". The best from non-educational applications is that they can be flexible, they can be used for collaborative learning. As mentioned by Rodríguez, Arus, and Calle, (2013), apps show “flexibility which promotes independent and collaborative learning; interactivity, usability, and efficiency which enhance the learning environment develop professional skills and encourage learning” (p.2). Based on the before, it is essential to note that professors can use non-institutional applications that are used for enjoyment and make students use them for collaborative learning, they are flexible enough. Teachers must be well-organized and creative due to, non-educational applications have no limitations of usage; In addition, non-institutional applications can be fixed to develop collaborative learning in the classroom. To support this, Patesan, M; Balagiu, A and Zechia, D (2016), explain ‘collaborative strategies have demonstrated that well planned and performed the classes of English based on cooperative learning lead to true achievements and positive relationships among students” (p. 478). According to the above, collaborative strategies together with non-educational applications leads to better relationships in class that permit an exchange of information between social agents having an excellent learning environment where the indicator collaborative strategies will help to develop a goal and its innovation encourage the learning in the students promoting an increase in their collaborative skills enhancing the knowledge construction process.
Patesan, M., Balagiu, A., & Zechia, D. (2016). The benefits of cooperative learning. International
Conference Knowledge-Based Organization, 22(2), 478-483