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Arts of Gender - Coggle Diagram
Arts of Gender
Orient as an academic focus, expanded upon to eventually exert control over what is largely unknown to Western academia
clear disparity between root word "orient" and "orientalism" in the social standings that are given (this is a construct of Western schools of thought)
The Cheat
predatory gaze & the role of the audience in court—so easily swayed yet rejoices for perceived justice that is brought by a woman
Sui Sin Far
the visual nature of ingroup/outgroup processing is shown through dinner table scene, so much that the racial other can sit at the same table without conflict/be assigned whiteness for convenience while imbuing them w the same Asian objectification (the visual affects engagements—engagements that would not have been in the 1st place if she was not white-passing)
Foucault, History of Sexuality
power dynamics and the scrutinization of the "other" as classified as non-heteronormative sexualities
Hypersexuality of Race
why can't you exist outside of the power structure (if thinking in Foucaultian terms)? why does the A/A woman need to perform within the hypersexuality to claim the self
Charlie's Angels scenes also add a layer of performativity to the hypersexuality due to the differentiation between the real/acting role Lucy Liu's character plays
M. Butterfly
submission/power fantasy projected to Eastern women due to white saviorism—their placement on the "moral high ground" leads them to believe that their perception is always true
power fantasy at the end collides with fantasies of the Orient/superficial acceptance of the moral "other" as in Sui Sin Far's writings
gender & sexuality forms moral code, ultimately resulting in a death borne of shame
Critically Queer
reclamation as a continual use of the word in order to create new social meaning while preserving/acknowledging its previous uses
emphasizes a need to reclaim power structure, but why within a Foucaultian structure? why does reclamation have to occur within the preexisting power structure & not outside of it?
repetition & reclamation must occur in different scripts in order to successfully shift the pre-existing paradigm
Racist Cute
commodification as CONTROL—instinct is to have and objectify, instead of allowing to flourish from afar
Fox Girl
temptation, once appeased—how is it medicalized and ameliorated to assuage the symptoms? displacement of guilt/blame
Silent Anatomies
silence sourced from an inability to describe one's own feelings—the body's visceral reaction from being unable to speak (pathology of the body instead of the mind/psychosomatic)
landscapes taking up space in the body (CT brain scan w Philippines, cervix with trees)
The Oppositional Gaze
going into a film guarded to actively critique and take at surface value instead of its intended message due to its difference from personal experience
idea of the "yellow woman" who is labelled as disposable, paradoxical bec consecrated as irreplacable and desecrated as an object
ornament—can't be seen separate from synthetic extensions of art and commodity / insignificant, superfluous, decorative, shallow
parahumanity- not being considered human, but not inhuman VS. perihumanity- position trapped between humanness and objectness (often attributed to Black women)
chokecherry—allusion to Morrison's Sethe, the tree on her back given to her by violence
Asian women's identity focused on commodification, Black women on ownership
modernity attributed to de-ornamentation, ties it to promiscuity and immorality transferred to Asian women's bodies
Saving Face
major commentary on familial expectations & dynamics (i.e. Will's confrontation w mother, "I love you, I'm gay" in the same sentence)
commodity / fetishism through the people who consume products, racial ideology fed into
Tiger Flu
flu mostly afflicts men but the idea that contagion doesn't debilitate everyone affected (like covid lmao)
exploitation of bodies & incorporation into company labor a form of colonization? (self-sustaining Grist village is self mutated)
/#saveDelphine as a hashtag representing survival and the mental trauma it takes when not "living" (i.e. living in survival mode instead of enjoying)
destruction to bodies & traumas inflicted onto the individual due to commodification and the systemic alienation that comes with
hierarchy of animacy—which animals are people compared to, used for sexualities, etc?, desire to rank based on animal
utopian vision of "multianimalist" society, but inherent racialization of animals and sexualities (more "pure" domestic animals equated w goodness)
i.e. otherness in Disney movies, Soul having black man turn into a cat most of movie
racial triangulation—while Black slaves were already est. in relationship w whites, but start of "yellow peril" also provides a minority to est. a relationship with
stereotype of Fu Manchu embodying West's fear of East Asia's power & Chi immigration—described w feline characteristics
queer intimacies, queerness defined as "improper affiliation" and "array of subjectivities outside the heteronormative" & intimacy as physical proximity
i.e. political cartoon criticizing Blaine's voting stance & Chinese immigration, Chinese man eating rat
collection of experiences in postmodern style, decentering of privilege and form/center
social commentaries paried with personal experiences and information form a manual-like zine with personal touches