Y7 Art
Elements of Art
Relief Ideas
Sharon's Docs
Art Slides
Intro to Art
Elements & Principles of Art
ART7.1 Level 3 Explore Art-making Conventions: apply knowledge of elements and principles using materials and processes.
ART7.2 Level 3 Generate and Develop Visual Ideas: respond to sources of motivation including observation, imagination and artist models.
ART7.3 Level 3 Document and Present work: collect, record and present visual ideas and learning in a workbook and show awareness of some basic layout principles.
Shading, go from light to dark, dark to ight, smudge with finger
Vanishing point. Straight lines disappear into VP. Straight, parallel.
Mntn range
Train tracks
Cross bars
Power poles
Structure (lines extending from corners to VP, then erase guidelines)
Straight, curved, thick, dots, hatched, cross hatched, thin, bold, curly, wavy,
Turns 2D into 3D by adding shading.
Choose light source (direction)
Shade & shadow.
Everything in our world can be broken down into simple shapes
Geometric or organic
Woven/basket/brick wall, water/slime, highlights to make it look wet/shiny, fur/grass/grit/sand,
Overlap, blend, add value.
Project PageAssessment
What is art for?
Discussion. Why do you draw?photograph?
What is art for youtube
Front Page - choose one reason & illustrate it?
- Gives Hope
- Makes us less lonely
- Rebalances us
- Helps us appreciate stuff (link to 5ways to wellbeing Take Notice)
Pencil - issued
Spiral book (keep for Y8)
Fine tip sharpie
Colour pencils
Pencil sharpener
Blind Contour Drawing
- Draw object without looking at the page
Continuous Line Drawing - Draw object without lifting pencil off page.
H - Hard
B - Black
More H's or B's the harder or blacker it is.
Lesson start routines
5min drawing - have objects, images, back of book - use pens/pencils in different ways
Discuss pieces of art - use language of elements.
Choose one detail to focus on - ZOOM book.
outline (outside scenery)
"draw" a poem
Sketch a memory
No straight/curved lines
Gesture drawing - draw 6 objects in 5sec or less.
Draw something from a different angle - e.g. portrait face on, side on
Elements of art cheat sheet
Symmetry Link Title
Foreground, middle ground back ground
Autumn Leaves watercolour lesson https://www.happyfamilyart.com/art-lessons/watercolor-art-lessons/crayon-resist-fall-leaves-art-lesson/
Watercolour Artists - NZ
click to edit