Odysseus proceeds to finish the story to the Phaeacians. His crew's next stop was Aeolian Island home of the god of wind. They stay with Aeolus for a month and as a gift for when he left was a stack of winds. Aeolus set the west wind to blow Odysseus home and the men sailed for 9 years and on the 10th, they saw Ithaca. Odysseus then fell asleep of exhaustion. His crew then though that his parting gift was something he was hiding from them, so they opened it and sent them back to sea. Odysseus and his ship sailed on and stopped at Circe's Island. They rested for 2 days, and Odysseus went deer hunting to feed his men. They feasted and slept. The next day Odysseus arose to smoke rising towards the middle of the island. He sent half his men to investigate and when they arrived in Circe's palace, they heard singing and called out to her. She welcomed them to her table, but she mixed the potion into their food and wiped their memories and turned them into pigs. Odysseus sets out to save his men and, on the way, he meets Hermes. Hermen tells him that he cannot do it alone and he will forget his way home, he then gives him an antidote that makes him immune to the spells. He then has to sleep with her after scaring her to set his men free. Then spend a year there and then realize they must leave. They don't remember the way home, so Circe tells them to meet with Hades and Tiresias.