Crocheting to raise money for charity

Which charity will I support?

What crocheted item/s will I create?

Initial ideas

supporting a charity that I have a personal connection to to (eg LGBTQIA+ youth, anxiety awareness, OCD support, neurodivergence)

Developing Ideas

Finalising Charity

supporting a local charity (eg Jimmy's Night Shelter Cambridge, Mind charity shop, Wood Green charity shop)

Wood Green Charity shop Cambridge

I currently volunteer at the WG charity shop on Mill Road so I have an easy and direct connection to the manager (Rob); this means I can discuss donating my project outcome to sell in the shop to the manager while I am volunteering- this saves the hassle of emailing or asking around other charity shops in the area

Donating to a shop rather than an online charity means I can provide examiners with evidence (eg pictures and quotes my manager) of my final outcome- they can be assured I gave the money/products to charity

I do not have much of a personal connection to the cause and would prefer to support a mental health or LGBTQIA+ related charity

Seems like a fairly easy route to take- could this decrease marks on my final project outcome?

LGBTQIA+ Charities

The Kite Trust

I have a personal connection to the cause they support

The Kite Trust has run and will be running a Cambridge-based social group for 13-25-year-olds in Winter 2022 so my donation would be helping my local community as well as a cause I love

The website says the charity is unable to receive donations at the moment and only have a gift aid monthly payment option- I would have to contact the charity directly and see how I could donate

MindOut- LGBTQIA+ mental health service

I can easilydonate my proceeds online; this means I would have to sell my creations elsewhere (eg Depop, Etsy, etc)

I can only donate money to this charity rather than my crocheted items; this means I would have to sell externally on an online-selling site- this could be a risk if the items do not sell or I cannot raise enough money


Interview manager (Rob)and gain information about customer demographic
eg) if more young people are shopping at Wood Green, I will create a product that is more geared towards younger people

(closely linked to this)

additionally, i can ask which types of donation sells the quickest and when- seasonal wear
I can also ask what Wood Green sell at different times of year to make my product as useful as it can be
eg) if baby clothes sell quickly, I can use this to gear my design towards this target audience

consider seasonal wear (eg will be donating in summer so hat and arm warmers may not be the best idea to crochet)

easy to make items include gloves, hats, simple tops, bikini tops, simple tube skirt

creating a larger item (eg chunky knit jumper)

must be detailed and researched enough to meet to quality of a 9-month project

Peer reviews and feedback

peer reviews can be given by friends and family

find small sample charity-shoppers and ask what sort of product they would buy

which age range will I sell to? who should be in my sample?

I have a friend completing a similar crochet project who could give more detailed peer review of technique

'online focus group' or getting email feedback- quick and accessible to many (especially young people)

Barton Burwash Manor haberdashery shop- I could contact for some feedback on technique and progression with product design- useful after prototypes have been crocheted

create OneNote for mentor to access and check progress- easily labelled with techniques and mistakes and REFLECTION (A04)