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Traumatic Stress, Divorce
Mental health problems, behavior…
Traumatic Stress
Brain Injury - The student is no longer able to participate in class as they used to. They may need extra support and resources. Difficulty completing tasks as they used to. School professionals may need to step in and assist with this students' case.
Domestic Abuse (from parent) - Physical abuse marks may be apparent. This student may experience more anxiety when it nears time to return home. This should be discussed with school counselors and possible reported further. Emotional check-ins with this student more often will be necessary.
One boy's father routinely beats him at home. This was noticed by several teachers first by witnessing the father's anger in person toward his son. His son also comes to school with bruises on this arms and torso. His grades are consistently very low.
The principal has contacted police. Nothing was done. In China.
As teachers we try to go easy on him and provide positive comments on his report card despite poor exam grades.
Strategy: Provide a safe space in school for the student to find support. Build a relationship so the student can open up and have an adult to talk to.
Death of a family member
Example: Student's father died. He has not received counselling for this. This trauma has had a big effect on his school performance.
Signs and Symptoms: Student regularly misses deadlines, lacks motivation, overly tired in many classes. The student seems resigned to the situation and unable to complete tasks or demonstrate any motivation.
Response:The student has been encouraged to talk to a counsellor but the other parent does not want to make a big issue about this situation. other teacher have offered support to the student but he avoids
Death of a friend
Example: A few years ago a little girl drowned in her bath tub. She was in KG, when the principal shared the tragic news with the entire school, and her classroom. Students reacted in diferent ways as some of them had never experience a death Fromm a close person. Her best friend was the most affected and up to today she still speaks about Pippa and how she would do things, what she used to like. Up to this days she speaks about her in a more healthy way as she had to go to a grieving process at such a short age. .
Our response was to get the counselors involved, students had the choice to speak to their teacher or counselor as much and when they needed to, parents were called in case students from her class wanted to go home. The school conselors scheduled meetings for the students who were in that class and also that were close to Pippa.
Example: In China grandparents often have a large role in raising children. One girl's grandmother died. She went from being a top student to failing all of her classes and becoming apathetic about school. She did not have a counselor but she could be helped by seeing one.
Natural Disasters
Signs and Symptoms:
High levels of stress, anxiety, and anger
Nightmares and sleep problems,
intense ongoing fear and sadness, lack of
positive emotions, irritability and anger outbursts,
Trouble concentrating, Response strategies:
Parent support, Teacher/School support
Community Support, Creating a safe environment
Therapy Psychological First Aid:
Bullying/Cyber-bullying - The signs or symptoms of this may be more apparent when dealing with group activities. The student may display emotional distress when working with or being near specific students that may be giving them problems. As teachers we need to intervene when necessary and ensure the student is safe.
Stress triggers
bullying/cyber bulling: students receiving strange inappropriate messages on anonymous whats app group owned by an anonymous student
Anxiety because of covid 19,student not able t socialize or contribute in class
Divorce: parents got remarried and have other kids while my student stayed with grandparents. The student feels so angry the whole time and behaves badly in the classroom
Difficulty to concentrate: the student gets distracted easily, needs a one to one guidance, academically too low, low scores in all subjects
Fear of communicating with home when misbehaving or getting low grades because parents not necessarily beat them, but get so angry with them and punish them in a way that students freak out when they know that they have to get their tests signed or we need to email their parents.
Strategy - Soothing music can be played quietly at the beginning of class or during activities. Perhaps students can choose the music
Strategy - Do occasional brain breaks. Typically these can be movement breaks to get out of seats and stretch or breathing exercises, just short activities that give students a chance to reset and refocus.
Strategy Journal exercises or reflections that help students identify and express their feelings or opinions
Pressure to achieve
Signs of this: student is tired in class from staying up, may be on edge or tense frequently
Signs: abuse of stimulants like caffeine or even drugs. possible withdrawing from emotionally investing in friends or family relationships
Response/Strategies: PLC - If teachers are aware of deadline and important exams for a student we can arrange our own deadlines to not be close together so students can manage time better.
Strategy: encourage the student to talk to a supportive family member, friend or teacher.
Medical Diagnoses/Conditions - these could be diagnoses for the student themselves, or for their family members. These diagnoses would require some additional support, whether it is through counselling, intervention, in order to help the students. Senior Management in the school will need to come up with a strategy for the student facing this issue, through consultation with the students parents/guardians.
Witnessing fatal accident - students may show signs of anxiety or depression. They may not show up to class as often and may appear to be mentally absent when they do. Teachers can support them by checkin in with them regularly and reminding them that this particular experience does not define all their future ones.
Car accident
Possible response strategy: Demonstrate and explain that not all vehicles result in fatalities; low percentage, etc.
Difficulty concentrating
Strategy: Brain break activities such as yoga poses, breathing exercises, or meditation
Societal Pressure
eating disorder
Student may have an unhealthy relationship with food (e.g. hoarding snacks or refusing to eat during lunch time)
Example: One girl has very low self esteem and feels pressure to fit in but she has a binge eating disorder and feels very negative about herself. Her grades also suffer. She is in private counseling.