A Democracy is a form of government where everyone in the community has a say in what goes on around the government and the people around them. The person who is in charge of the democracy is called a President, and they're allowed to serve for four years, however, if it's possible, they can be able to serve for another four years to make it eight years in total. The way that we get a leader/president is by holding elections so that everybody has a chance to cast their vote for who they think is best fit to be president. As of right now, people over 18 and over can vote, and they get to vote on November 2nd. The way that laws get passed in a democracy is by going through 3 different types of systems: The Legislative system, the Judicial system, and the Executive system. These three systems have the power to create and veto bills that they deem as good for the people, or bad for the people.
Some disadvantages of having a democracy would be the encouraged mob rule that comes from it. As people migrate to counties who have democracies because of the vast amount of opportunities , there's always going to be that one person who develops a not-so-patriotic relationship with them, and that can lead to situations where people will start to believe what's the right or wrong way of democracy, and that's what starts the mobs. Another disadvantage is that when it comes to having a democracy, politicians can say whatever they want as long as it helps them get into office, but once they eventually get inside of the Oval Office, they can do a complete 180 of what they have promised their fellow voters, and the only solution to stop their madness is to wait until another election.
A real world example of a country/nation that uses Democracy as their government system is the one and only United States of America. We use this kind of government system because we believe that everybody has the right to have their voices heard, and no man shall be left behind.