Climate Factors: How and why does each factor affect climate and a picture


Ocean Currents


Bodies of Water


Wind and Air Masses

Why there is less sunlight when you are far south or north but if you are on the equator you will have almost 16hours of sunlight a day meaning it will be hotter

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How the more north or south you are the colder it gets.

Why one side of the mountain will be near the ocean meaning that it will get lots of precipitation and because of elevation there will be snow on the top of the mountain. While the other side away from the ocean will have no precipitation meaning it will be dry.

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How Rainy on 1 side and really dry on the other.

Why because there are less air molecules to trap the heat.

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How when you go higher in elevation it gets colder


How They can warm or cool places down

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Why Ocean currents will circulate causing some places to warm up or cooldown when that current comes. An example would be the tip of South America would get a cold current from Antarctica making it cold.

How Bodies of water affect what is around it and will cause more or less precipitation it will also cause coole rsummers and warmer winters

Why for example if you live next to a large lake chances are you will get more precipitation because of that body of water. But if you live in the desert or a tundra you will get barley and perception because there arent any big bodies of water around. The lake will trap the heat this causing it to tsk

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Why Air Masses are like ocean currents they come from oceans and cool or warm places up, the warm air will always rise on top of the cool air. Sometimes when hot and cold air meet they can create tornadoes or tropical storm

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How Same as ocean currents they can cool or warm places up