A son received from his mother P200,000 by virtue of a will. The son had properties of his own amounting to P400,000. When the son died without issue, he left a will giving all his estate (P600,000) to his father. How much is the reservable property?
ANS.: This is a case of testate succession. Since the father’s legitime is only one-half, he received the P600,000 in two capacities: P300,000 as a compulsory heir — and which was received therefore as legitime or by operation of law; and P300,000 as a voluntary heir, and therefore not by operation of law. Now then:
(a) According to the theory of reserva maxima, the reservable property is P200,000. In other words, the reservable property includes all that can be included in the half constituting the legitime of the reservista.
(b) According to the theory of reserva minima, the reservable property is only P100,000. The theory is based on the fact that half of the P200,000 received from the origin (mother, in this case) was given to the father as his legitime or by operation of law. Therefore, the reservable property is only P100,000.
1) the reserva maxima is obviously more in consonance with the spirit of the lawmaking body in providing for Art. 891.
2) But the reserva minima is more just, more equitable and more logical. According to Manresa, in view of the silence of the law on the matter, the principle of the reserva minima should be followed. So, in the problem given, the reservable property is only P100,000.
This seems to be also the opinion of Scaevola. (6 Manresa 319; 14 Scaevola 236-237).].