MOTOR THEORIES: involve processes related to the production of speech.
STAGE THEORIES Perception involves a sequence of transforms from sound to object.
DIRECT PERCEPTION Recovers the sound producing objects directly.
Analysis - by Synthesis
Motor theory
Involves perception referent to articulation with the idea that speech is a specialized, specie specific mechanism in perception.
This appeared in 1967 by Liderman and colleagues
The basic principle is the production of speech sounds in the speaker´s vocal tract.
The listener specifically purpose is percieve the speaker's phonetics gestures when the speaker's are speaking.
Gesture to permit the speakers to produce salient s phonemes that the listener can perceive.
Model functions by using separate embebed models within the main model.
Gesture is represented by speaker's vocal tract
Theory of information processing stating that both bottom-up processes and top-down processes interact in the recognition and interpretation of sensory input.
Incoming by acustic signals
The information pass by the master control unit to be processed segment by segment.
During the speech perception articulation is inhibited then is compared that with the original signal until find a suitable match.
Direct Realism Theory
The object perceptions are vocal tract movements or gestures.
The listener perceives the gestures through the acoustic signal specified from it.
Role and nature of segmental (phonethic) representation is diverse.
Diverse set of theories that do not assume a link between production and perception.
Coding is based on auditory processes.
All use intermediate representation though nature of representations is diverse.
Perceptions are results of a sequencess of transformations.
LAFS (Lexical Access From Spectra)
The imput is a auditory representation through the spectral shape.
Is mediated by phonetic perception because the listener have not access to that representation.
It have a system maps a sequence of spectral sections onto a word.
It is implemeted in a connectionist both ascending and descending connections within each level.
It a theory and perception
Perception is a result of a cascade of stages of mapping a prototype system.
Use context sensitive allophone, abstract phoneme.