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GLOBAL WARMING - Coggle Diagram
the greenhouse effect
the energy from the Sun, in the form of ultraviolet radiation, streams in through the atmosphere and warms the surface of the Earth
in the similar way, the energy is reflected back out into space as infrared radiation and absorbed by gas molecules
which trap the heat inside, like in greenhouse
the main greenhouse gases that absorb the heat in this way are water vapour, carbon dioxide and methane
more carbon dioxide means a larger greenhouse effect so the Earth’s overall temperature is increasing
this could cause rising sea levels, unpredictible weather in the form of flooding or drought, hurricanes and large loss of life
the carbonfootprint
how to reduce
buy local food, transporting food from distant places produces lots of CO2
the footprint comes directly from burning fossil fuels for electricity, heat and transport
burning more and more fossil fuels to generate heat and electricity for all those aeroplans and motor vehicles has produced a large amount of emissions of the major greenhouse gas -> carbon dioxide
the ozone hole
ban the use of dangerous chemicals in aerosols, refrigerators and air conditioning
scientist predict that by 2100 the sea levels will rise, coastlines disappear, Amsterdam and New York will be underwater because of global warming