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Documentary Ideas, "Departure", "The Storm", "…
Documentary Ideas
A personal story about Dementia
discuses my grandparents
Interviews with the family
To raise awareness
Themes of grief
A story about Mental Health
My personal struggle with mental health
Interviewed by myself
Produced entirely by myself
A play on "Me, myself and I"
Struggles apathy/ difficulty with feeling emotions correctly
Lack of motivation
Title: Lone Voyage: Adrift At Sea
Theme: Ocean travel/ naval
Tells my story using a ship's journey across the open ocean as the primary metaphor
Uses songs with a nautical theme.
A run-through of my childhood and overall introduction to myself.
A deeper look into the beginning of decline in my mental health
Discusses the future and perhaps kickstart a new journey for happiness.
"The Storm"
"Seeking the Light"