Six: The remaining ship reachees Aiaia, the home of Circe. They scouted the island and found Circe's house but did not disturb her. The group then killed a stag and ate it. Later, a group of 22 men go to Circe's home. 21 enter and are tricked into eating a magic potion that turns them into pigs. Odysseus then returns to the home to confront her. On his way, Odysseus meets hermes who warns him of the godess. Hermes gives him an herb to prevent her poision, and tells that to free his friends and leave himself he must sleep with the godess. After sleeping with the godess and starting to eat dinner with her, Odysseus convinces circe to free his men. Odysseus then brings back the rest of his men to Circe's home. The group stayed for a year, until they decided to leave. Odydsseus talks to Circle, asking her to let him leave, but Circe tells him that they must sail to hades and ask Tiresias for advice. As they were leaving, one man, Elpenor, fell and broke his neck.
Seven: Odysseus sails far into the ocean to the city of the Cimmerians. Odysseus digs a hole and dumps in offerings. He prays to reach his homeland then sacrifices a sheep. The first spirit to reach him is Elpenor, who begs for a proper burial when Odysseus sails back home. Then came the spirit of his dead mother who passed while he was away. He next meets the prophet who warns him not to hurt the cows in Thrinacia. The prophet also tells him to kill the suitors when he returns home. Odysseus' mother then speaks to him, telling him that his wife stays faithful and his son is taking care of the estate. He next talks to Agamemnon who tells him about how he was killed by his wifes hand. He meets Achilles who asks about his son. He tries to speak to Ajax, but Ajax will not speak to him. He sees Heracles and King Minos. He witnesses the eternal punsihments of Sisyphus and Tantalus. Then many souls rush to speak with him. Spooked, he sails away.
Eight: The men return back to the island of Circe and give Elpenor a proper burial. Circe talks to Odysseus and warns him of Sirens. She also tells him how to stay safe from their songs. Odysseus is tied to the mast so that he may listen while his men have wax in their ears.
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