Interpretivists view social inquiry as necessarily different from the approach typical of the physical sciences.. . human behaviour is quite different in character from that of physical objects. In particular, the sorts of actions that people engage in, and the consequences of those actions, are mediated by interpretive processes, i.e. people perceive their surroundings in ways that are shaped by socio-cultural contexts and they engage in a process of actively making sense of what they see and hear, and they do this in relation to their own distinctive concerns rather than simply passively responding to external stimuli. . . in order to understand what they do, and why, it is necessary to find some means of accessing their perspectives on the world, the problems they see themselves facing, and so on.
typically assumes that people operate with stable perspectives, at least within particular types of context, in terms of which they make sense of the world and their own position within it,
Border/ Greek Cypriots
the education of Greek Cypriots centered on the ‘I don’t forget’ slogan, which infuses all aspects of their school activities and in many ways serves to maintain stark distinctions between ‘us’ and ‘others’ (Christou, 2006, 2007; Philippou, 2005; Spyrou, 2000, 2002; Zembylas, 2010; Zembylas and Bekerman, 2008). p.306
*parents . . .reactivating stereotypes and social fears about ‘the Turk’ who is the enemy and therefore not to be trusted under any circumstances (Spyrou, 2002)* p.307