What was it like to live in Nazi Germany?
How did young people react to the Nazi regime?
How successful were Nazi policies towards women and the family?
Did most people in Germany benefit from Nazi rule?
How did the coming of war change life in Nazi Germany?
At school
Why did the Nazis wanted to control the young peop?
How they set about doing it?
What were the attractions of the youth movements?
To ensure that they support the Nazi cause and policies such as
-The superiority of G and how it was poisoned by the weak socialist politicians who 'stabbed G in the back'
-Resentment to Jews and all the Untermenschen as pure Gs were superior
-Loyalty to the Fuhrer- Adolf
It created a new welcoming society for the young pure Gs because it made them feel that they were special because of how they were constantly deemed as superior to the Unters
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Made sure that the teachers were trained under the National Socialist Teachers Alliance so that the Nazis and their policies would be well distributed to the students
-Learn about the strength of G through its history, biology, maths- all of the subs and also about the weak socialists politicians who 'stabbed G in the back'- influence a betrayed kinda response
-The profit making Jews, squeezing profs out of honest gs
Hitler Youth- also connected the the Neon arm
Why did the Nazis wanted to control the young peop?
What were the attractions of the youth movements?
How they set about doing it?
Tempting organisations like the German Young People (boys aged 10-14), League of German Maidens for girls
-Marches in exciting parades with loud bands (Gives the Nazis a good image as fun peep from teens perspec)
-Physically fit
(Bad side- leisure time devoted to Hit and the Naz)
-Guys taught bout war while gals taught bout cooking sewing-domestic tasks and how to be a good mom
-Millions of peep within this org, so a good image
These factors would influence the whole gen to absorb and apply the Nazis policies and principles-raise mighty support for Nazis, so their future plans would be carried out effectively
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-Marches in exciting parades with loud bands (Gives the Nazis a good image as fun peep from teens perspec)
-Physically fit
(Bad side- leisure time devoted to Hit and the Naz)
-Guys taught bout war while gals taught bout cooking sewing-domestic tasks and how to be a good mom
-Millions of peep within this org, so a good image
Also it was a better look on the Gs application when applying for jobs
Failure at keeping loyalty of Gs
They enjoyed the activities, but found the lectures of Nazi Ideas boring
Reports from anti-Nazi spies stated that many of the members of the organisations thought the lectures were boring
Despite lectures on health, diseases like diphtheria and scarlet fever increased in the 1930s
Juvenile crime rose during the 1930s- 175000 young peep were convicted of crimes in 1939 alone
Juvenile crime and youth resistance increased dramatically during war
At home
Children most probably would have felt that all of the nazi policies and their beliefs were not particularly liked by their parents, so it was confusing for them as their loyalties lied for Hitler and the Nazis
Example- Parents thought that Nazi inspectors checking up on the teachers was strange while their kids thought it was normal
- Never lived life without the normal indoctrination
Who did not benefit?
Business and middle classes (benefited the big businesses- no more trade unions and strikes, no more Communist threat. example, Small Engineering firms did good as rearmament plans. IG Farben gained huge gov contracts to make explosives, fertilisers and artificial oil from coal. Other household names today such as Mercedes and Volkswages prospered from the Nazi policies... Did not benefit the small businesses that sold consumer goods which did not help the government directly. e.g. large department stores took business away from local shops.
(beneficial because certain policies such as the Reich Food Estate under Richard Darre, guaranteed a market for their goods and prices. Reich Entailed Farm Law made sure that the bank could not seize land of Farmers if they could not pay mortgages or loans. the Entailed Farm Law also layed out a racial aim of 'Blood and Soil' to make sure that peasant farmers were the basis of the 'master race'...not beneficial because the ENtailed Law also stated that the eldest child of the family could only inherit the farm- caused rural depopulation)
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( Beneficial because of lower unemployment and different schemes (Dr Hjalmar Schach, economist, organised G's finances to fund a huge programme of work creation. The National Labour Organisation sent men on public work projects to build a network of motorways or AUTOBAHNS and railways. Major house-building programmes such as the Reich Chancellery in Berlin. Job creation entirely funded by state. Rearmament- in 1935 H introduced conscription and in 36, he announed a Four -Year Plan under the control of Goering to get the G economy ready for war.
-Strength Through Joy (KDF)- gave them cheap theatre and cheap cinema tickets, organised courses, trips and sports events- made the workers feel enjoyment
-Thousands of workers saved 5 marks in a scheme to buy the Volkswagen Beetle, the 'people's car'. symbol of a prosperous G
-Beauty of Labour movement- Improved working conditions in factories, and modern features such as washing facilities and low-cost canteens)
NOt beneficial - Workers lost their main political party the SDP
-Lost trade unions
-all workers had to join the DAF (General Labour Front) run by Dr Robert Ley
Persecuted groups (Jews, Slovaks, Gypsies...)
Polish Ghettos
Final Solution
Mass murder
After invasion of Pol in 1939- Nazis set about 'Germanising' western Poland
Transported the Poles from their homes and replacing them with German settlers - sent the poles to concentration camps
1/4 Poles died either by fighting or breaking Naz racial policies in the period of 1939-45
Polish Jews sent to big cities were they were concealed in sealed areas (ghettos)
The fit and strong were used for slave labour, Young, weak and sick were left to die of hunger and disease
In 1941, Germany invaded the USSR- were in control of 3 million Sov Jews
G forces rounded up and shot the COm Party activists and their Jewish supporters
Carried out by a special SS unit called the Einsatzgruppen
By the autumn of 1941, mass shootings took place all over occupied EE countries- Jews were also forced to where the Star of David on their clothing to match them out
In Jan 1942, a group of senior Nazis met at Wannsee, a suburb of Berlin, to discuss the 'final solution' to the 'Jewish question'
Himmler, the head of the SS and the Gestapo, was put in charge of the systematic killing of all Jews within G and its territories
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