Gothic fiction


Victorian era



Frankenstein - Mary Shelley

The Nightmare befiore Christmas - Tim Burton

Left London to travel to Eastern Europe (Romania)

Leaving the West, entering the East


Wild landscapes: forests, mountains...

Remote location

Isolated place

Wolves, non-human coach driver

Young couple, engaged, away from each other, waiting to get married

Young lady, writing in her diary

D: intense presence, foreign accent

Local, superstitious people

Religious artefacts

Different means of transportation: train + carriage

19th century

elements of modernity: train, photographs, typewriter

elements of archaism: clothing, carriage, torches, armor, letters

Eyes in the sky: threatening presence

Colors: red, dark, black...

Sounds: drums, howlings of animals

Alarming, disturbing noises

Bad weather: rain, mist, thunder...

Man alone in a foreignh country, a strange place

Supernatural elements

Mansion, abandoned house

Threatening presence

Children, ghosts