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SHRSD 2021 Referendum Issues - Coggle Diagram
SHRSD 2021 Referendum Issues
Citizens vs. Parsippany-Troy Hills NJ Supreme Court
Cannot say "vote yes" in any materials, cannot exagerate consequences of failure to pass
Can't use public funds to advocate, including money, district equipment, supplies, facilities or staff time
Fenton v. Sullivan
Advocating newsletter illegal
Burghardt v.
Mahwah Bd of Ed
Entire process created impression of "vote yes"
Oldbridge, 94
Video advocating referendum improper
Enterline v.
Advocacy newsletter improper, emotional pleas disallowed, can't tie property values to referendum outcomes
N.J.S.A. 18A:42-4
Districts can't give students referendum promotional material
School Ethics Law -
N.J.S.A. 18A:12-24.1
e. I will recognize that authority rests with the board of education and will make no personal promises nor take any private action that may compromise the board.
f. I will refuse to surrender my independent judgment to special interest or partisan political groups or to use the schools for personal gain or for the gain of friends.
g. I will hold confidential all matters pertaining to the schools which, if disclosed, would needlessly injure individuals or the schools. In all other matters, I will provide accurate information and, in concert with my fellow board members, interpret to the staff the aspirations of the community for its school.
BOE Use of PR
N.J.S.A. 6A:23A-5.2
All activities involving promotional efforts to advance a particular position on school elections or any referenda shall be prohibited
BOE District Policy #9120 - PR PROGRAM (M)
Public relations activities....that are not part of the instructional program or do not provide information about district or Board operations to the public, that are excessive in nature are prohibited. All activities involving promotional efforts to advance a particular position on school elections or any referenda are prohibited.
WAS is renovatable at moderate costs
Operational costs of 2 schools vs. 1 hidden
The Superintendent says 1 elementary school "makes more financial sense" than running two
The district was made aware of a State fund to replace aging HVAC systems in schools.
In Early Nov the Superintendent emailed his architects to put together a plan to renovate WAS in case the referendum failed.
The Superintendent internally exaggerated the cost of renovating LPS and WAS by 8x times
A Breakdown of the Referendum costs was passed around internally but never shared with the public.
Jesus School Costs Hidden
Costs for additional 4 PreK classrooms not disclosed
DOE Director of Facilities recommended against renovating LPS
LPS would have very little space even after referendum
Traffic study conducted under improper instructions from District
Playground owned by City, not District
LPS Site Security Issues Hidden
Half of parking lot owned by City, not District
Multiple BOE members + Superintendent stated LPS cannot be renovated
Board of Education
All 5 Lambertville BOE members part of SaveLPS
Non-Lambertville BOE members wanted more options for public to consider
BOE members made suggestions to minimize perceived tax impact
BOE members wanted to sue district residents who complained about Meagan Warner's actions
Lambertville BOE members forced the other BOE members to accept the referendum plan
A Board member made up the line "that WAS was structurally unsound" and "beyond repair".
The BOE tried to get the Teachers Union to endorse the referendum, but was rebuffed.
The BOE tried to get LAEF, West Amwell PTO, and Lambertville PTA to all finance the "Vote Yes" signs, but in all cases were rebuffed
"BOE must stay neutral" statement
Hide new PreK classroom requirements from Voters
The Community Survey sent out in April was not used to get public opinions. It was used to target voters who were "no" or "unsure" votes.
The Survey "no" and "unsure" responses were given to the Key Communicators with instructions to figure out how to convert them to "yes"
Past Boards had determined that reducing the number of school buildings were the best option for students
BOE Member gave Vote Yes signs to Superintendent to distribute
BOE pulled "Cons" list from presentations
Exaggerated consequences if referendum fails
We can't wait anymore
Programs will be cut
Increasing Property Values were tied to passing the referendum
Advocacy videos shot using school equipment
BOE Leading the Key Communicators using district resources to advocate for a "yes" vote
Superintendent and BOE members obtained the list of registered voters and their addresses.
The BOE directed the Key Communicators in canvasing voters
The "Vote Yes" lawn sign idea originated with the BOE
BOE members bought Vote Yes signs and gave them to the Superintendent to distribute
District advocating for the referendum while at Rambler's games
District sent referendum advocacy emails to current HS seniors of voting age
BOE tried to get the West Amwell Township Government to stay out of the referendum fight
The Superintendent emails district employees to buy Vote Yes lawn signs
The threat to cut programs if the referendum failed was a bluff by the Superintendent
Superintendent says “
Goal to create a groundswell of support and inundate the public as much as we can. Focus on Yes and maybe/undecided votes
Hurricane Ida was used as a PR opportunity
An inflated $16 million renovation-only mock referendum proposal used to scare BOE members and Key Communicators
Hid Requirements for 4 additional PreK Classrooms not covered by Referendum plan